Friday, February 18, 2011
New site
Hasta luego.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Breakfast musings

Me to Brent: 'Have you got a job out of it yet?
B: 'That's the thing, I'm working as a lifeguard right now and earning twenty-four bucks an hour, but all the jobs I've looked at in business marketing have been paying about sixteen bucks. So I'm not that keen to leave my job right now you know. It's like I've done three years of uni but if I get a job in the field I'll be behind where I am now.'
P: 'Yeah and while we've been chipping away at uni all our mates that have got carpentry apprenticeships or whatever and are earning twice what we are. And they'll all be owning their own businesses too and killing it when their older while we'll probably be stuck in office jobs earning fuck-all.'
'My sentiments exactly', I tell him.
B: 'My brother reckons he might be able to hook me up with a job with his company a few days a week but I'm just not sure whether it's going to lead anywhere, or even whether it's what I actually want to do. The other thing is from what my bro's told me, the boss there would be looking to groom me for a full-time gig and give me training and shit so if that happened, I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing right now.'
I look around: the sun is shining on our bare backs, world-class waves are breaking on the beach just in front of the restaurant and a beautiful woman (who I believe is South American) in a white bikini saunters past our table. It's like a postcard. Who would want this to end? Once our curvaceous Brazilian friend is out of view, we gather our composure and the conversation recommences:
P: 'Yeah that shit's going to happen more and more. There's going to be a point where there's a job or some girl and we're all going to get stuck back at home and the traveling thing will be up. You might get a couple weeks or a month per year for a holiday but it won't really be traveling.'
It went back and forth like this for about half an hour but you get the picture. I think the conversation is a reflection of the feelings of many twenty-somethings – a breed on the cusp of the rest of their life, yet so unsure of how to proceed with it that it hurts. What career do you choose if you have absolutely zero idea what you want to do with your life? Is there a point where seeing the world, and I mean really traveling, has to cease because of your career or can the two go hand-in-hand? If you decide to travel the world for ten years will you return home a penniless loser with only the clothes on your back and if you do, will it all be worth it? Would you be happier if you just picked a career now, anchored yourself in your home town for good and saved up for a house, like so many others my age are doing/have done? These are the questions my friends.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Dog day afternoon
So these puppies, they trot around without a care in the world, playfighting with the other dogs and chasing crabs on the beach. But at a certain point, I'm guessing when they reach the age of about twenty-eight to thirty-five in dog years, they become resigned to the fact that they're fucked. That spring in their step is replaced by aching bones, debilitating skin conditions and major organs shutting down from years of neglect and a tough life on the street. After being trodden on by people and life itself for so long they begin to realise it's all downhill from here and all hope for a better life is lost. And in their sullen, glassy eyes you can see an infinite sadness. It's probably the reason they won't even bat an eyelid, let alone move out the way when you're tearing towards them on your motorbike at eighty clicks an hour. They just don't give a shit anymore.
It's the same with humans. I reckon these older dogs that have given up are much like the guy in his 30s or 40s who is stuck in a mundane job and a lifeless marriage and looks around at his mates wondering how he ended up with such a sorry bunch. His best years, his carefree and fun-filled 20s, are behind him and he knows it. You'll find those same depressing eyes on the drunken heads of countless men at the local pub or TAB on any given night. Here's hoping I've still got a fair few puppy years left in me.
On a lighter note, here are some happy snaps from the first couple of weeks in Indo:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Where are you now?

I'm guessing the photo was taken in the 1970s (I enhanced the photo a bit which is why it doesn't look so old) which means 1. the kid would now most likely be in his late 30s (middle aged); and 2. poor old Whitey playfully posing in the foreground would've carked it decades ago. Does the guy now have kids? A good job? What about his dreams - did they ever eventuate? Or is he now stuck in a dead-end job with nothing to show for it, hating life like Lester Burnham in American Beauty? Is he even still alive?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Spaghetti Blog

I tried to come up with a snappy title for the blog, but alas it escaped me. I settled on “Fear In English” because as a 22-year-old nobody with no direction in life, angst is a feeling constantly saturating my brain. A website I can’t remember defined angst as a German word, which means fear in English. I thought the title was also fitting because I’m about to become a university graduate and walk away from four years of study with a brand spanking new Journalism degree. Therefore my future livelihood is to come from my supposed mastery of the English language. A scary thought.
I don’t expect anyone to read this drivel - I’m writing it mostly to work out things in my own muddled head – but if anyone out there gets some sort of enjoyment from my ramblings and attempts to be insightful then good on you. And may God have mercy on your soul.